Holiday Club Consent Form

Ofsted Good Provider

Holiday Club Consent Form

"*" indicates required fields

Child's Name*
Emergency Contact*
E.g. Allergies, diabetes, epilepsy, medication. If your child needs medication you will have to fill in a medical form on the day.
Do you give permission for your child to take part in Growing Wild activities.*
We will sometimes use facepaints. Do you give permission for your child to use face paints?*
Parent / Carers Name*
We also ask permission to take photographs or video footage of your child that may be used for Growing Wild Outdoor Nursery publicity. The images will be used solely by Growing Wild for publicity purposes. They may be used in leaflets, brochures or on the Growing Wild Outdoor Nursery website and facebook page.
Do you give permission for your child to be photographed or filmed for use by Growing Wild?*
Would you like to be kept informed of future activites?**